Estate Wildflower propagation &

Monarch waystation



Kuhlman Cellars is passionate about native flowers and began propagating nectar wildflowers such as bluebonnets, Gregg’s Mist, Black-eyed Susans, poppies, zinnias and more at the Estate since first opening the doors in 2014. The wildflowers attract hummingbirds,  fritillary butterflies and Monarchs and other pollinators to the property. 

monarch Butterfly conservation efforts

In July 2023, the Kuhlman Cellars Estate was certified as an official Monarch Waystation by Monarch Watch. Since 2017, multiple species of milkweed which mature and flower at different times during the season have been nurtured for Monarch host plants. The guidelines to achieve certification include size and sun exposure of the habitat, shelter, milkweed plants, nectar plants, drainage and soil type, and management of the garden.